Nintendo DSi
For our first major solo projects at Yrgo, each student got to make an electronic device in 3DS Max. Being an old Nintendo-nerd since the age of 3 and a big fan of the Ace Attorney game series, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to create the very game console that's been with me through thick and thin during my teen years. It wasn't easy to get the detailing of the model this accurate and the bad lighting prevented some details som being visible, but I still think I did a good job with the holes to fit the buttons through, the textures for the casing (which I had to make mostly from scratch) and the placing of the texts, icons, screens and the holes for the camera, speakers, microphone and the headphone port.
In case of legal issues, I would like to mention that this game console is copyrighted by Nintendo and that the game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is copyrighted by Capcom Entertainment Inc.